Program Full Year 10% Dep. 1 Pay 2 Pay 9 Pay
$10,580 $1,058 $9,522 $4,761 $1,058
$12,460 $1,246 $11,214 $5,607 $1,246
Primary FULL DAY
$16,100 $1,610 $14,490 $7,245 $1,610
$11,080 $1,108 $9,972 $4,986 $1,108
$13,080 $1,308 $11,772 $5,886 $1,308
Toddler FULL DAY
$16,900 $1,690 $15,210 $7,605 $1,690

Subsequent tuition payments shall become due as follows:

Nine(9) Payments – Every 1st of the Month beginning September 1, 2021.
Two(2) Payments – [1] Nov 1, 2021 [2] Apr 1, 2022
One(1) Payment – September 15, 2021

If the enrolled student is transitioned to a different program within the school year, the tuition shall be adjusted correspondingly. All other provisions in this agreement shall remain unchanged.

A Late Payment Charge of $25.00 shall be assessed and strictly enforced if payment is not received by the 15th of the month. If payment is not received after 30 days from the due date without any prior arrangement with the school’s business office, an additional assessment of $5.00 per day shall be assessed until payment is received.

Other School Fees

A Sanitization Fee of $100.00 per student for the school year, to help cover the cost of increased sanitization of the classrooms and playground, shall be assessed and will be due on the first week of classes.

A Developmental Fee of $250.00 per family for the school year will also be assessed and will be due on the first week of classes. This fee shall be used to help cover the costs of the school’s developmental projects such as improving and furnishing existing or new classrooms, and creating, as well as maintaining, our extended outdoor environment.

The Social/Activity Fee, which is used to help cover the cost of field trips and school social/family events, will not be assessed at this time.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Full Day students may only enter the school at 7:30am, not earlier.
Morning and Extended students may only enter the school at 8:20am, not earlier.
Parents are expected to ensure that their children are picked up promptly at their
scheduled dismissal or pick-up time. Back-up arrangements must be in place in the event of an unexpected emergency or delay.

Morning program students will be dismissed promptly at 11:45am.
Extended program students will be dismissed promptly at 3:15pm.
Full Day program students must be picked up no later than 6:00pm.
In line with our safety protocols, dismissal/pickup schedules will be strictly enforced,
so any student who is picked up after ten(10) minutes from dismissal or pick up time will be assessed a Late Pick-Up Fee of $50.00 per hour.

No Before & After School Care (BASC) services will be available at this time, except for students enrolled in the Full Day Primary and Full Day Toddler programs.

Tuition Policy

The parent(s) hereby agree(s) to comply with all School Rules & Policies as outlined in the Parent Handbook. Mosaic Montessori Academy (MMA) reserves the right to require withdrawal of a student if the behavior or lack of cooperation of the student is deemed unacceptable or unfit in a Montessori school setting; if any information provided by the parent(s) in this agreement is false or incorrect; for medical or psychological reasons; or for any breach of this enrollment agreement. Re-acceptance of the student will be at the sole discretion of the MMA School Faculty.

If a Withdrawal By School is enforced, the student shall be entitled to a refund of all unused prepaid tuition payments, but all past due & current month payments, as well as other school fees must be paid in full.

If a Withdrawal By Parent occurs within thirty(30) days from the first day of school, the student shall be entitled to a refund of all unused prepaid tuition payments, but all past due & current month payments, as well as other school fees must be paid in full.

If a Withdrawal By Parent occurs after thirty(30) days from the first day of school, the full year tuition and fees or balance thereof will become immediately due and payable. This includes a withdrawal due to a state mandated school closure / shelter-in-place.

In the event of a state mandated closure / shelter-in-place due to a pandemic within the current school year, MMA will continue providing educational services through e-learning. Tuition payments will still be due and payable whether the student participates in e-learning or not. MMA will offer a 20% discount to all students for each month that the school remains closed due to a state mandated closure / shelter-in-place during the school year. The discounted balance will be due by the 15th of each month, as with regular tuition payments.

If any balance remains unpaid, in whole or in part, after the end of the school year, the parent(s) shall be responsible for all of Mosaic Montessori Academy’s expenses, including reasonable Attorney’s Fees incurred in the collection process.